Bounce Rate now a factor in Quality to boost your Quality Score

Bounce Rate now a factor in Quality to boost your Quality Score

November 12, 2014

Interesting update we noticed the other day in Google AdWords for accounts that are linked with Google Analytics. You now have the ability to filter your ads performance by 'Bounce Rate' in the drop down menu...

AdWords Bounce Rate

For a while now Google have skirted around admitting that Bounce Rate is a factor that they look at when it comes to Quality Score for Google AdWords, but this latest update goes to show that this is something they are looking at for accounts that are linked with Google Analytics. Hence the pressure from Google for everyone and their aunt to use Google Analytics, more data for them.But is this a bad thing?We dont think makes sense that if a user clicks on a PPC ad and then bounces off straight away as the landing page isn't relevant to them, then it shows that the ad isn't relevant either. As Quality Score is based on relevancy (allegedly!) then it makes sense that bounce rate is a factor in Quality Score, the lower your bounce rate the better the user experience the better Quality Score for your PPC campaigns.So why all the secrecy?We can only speculate, but we guess its because some people will come along and let people know that there is a way to improve your bounce rate. We dont know at the moment whether Google is looking at bounce rate across all channels (direct, natural, etc) or whether it is just bounce rate on PPC as a channel. If their algorithm is looking at bounce rate across all channels, then its quite easy for someone to improve their bounce rate.A tip from the Stellar Search Team.

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November 12, 2014



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