Maximum Number of Campaigns in a Google AdWords Account

Maximum Number of Campaigns in a Google AdWords Account

December 15, 2014

Google AdWords accounts come as standard with 25 campaigns that you are allowed to upload too. You can contact your Google Account Manager and have your Google account extended to allow upto 100 campaigns into the account.However, we have known for a while that uploading an AdWords account with 100 campaigns and millions of keywords does cause the account to slow down. We have never had any explanation of why this happens but we have had confirmation from Google that uploading a large number of campaigns and keywords will definitely slow down your Google account.Google response:Please be aware that adding a large number of keywords and campaigns mayplace a strain on your account and slow the creation of reports for youraccount. I would encourage you to take this opportunity to delete anyunwanted or poorly performing keywords.Slowing down the account as we have seen causes:1. Upload and download time to Google Editor causes Google Editor to crash.2. The account takes ages to build up it's history and you see a slower number of impressions as Google's back end system has difficulty serving your ad's from such a big account.So what is the right amount of campaign to put into a Google AdWords account?We have no official answer from this from Google, but we find that if you have around 50-60 campaigns within an AdWords account then the account works fine. Anything more that 60 campaigns and you start to see the effects of the account slowing down.A tip from the Stellar Search Team.

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December 15, 2014



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