Zeitgeist 2010: How the UK searched

Zeitgeist 2010: How the UK searched

December 10, 2010

December is the end-of-the-year lists and the most popular is the annual Zeitgeist list from Google which list the fastest rising and most popular terms.

In a General Election year for the U.K., terms around the national vote (“register to vote”, “Cameron”, and “labour party”) unsurprisingly came to the forefront of the news category, but the usual suspects (“Justin Bieber” and “World Cup”, for instance) still dominated the most popular searches in 2010.


  1. chatroulette
  2. formspring
  3. ipad
  4. justin bieber
  5. world cup 2010
  6. fb
  7. santander
  8. hotmail sign in
  9. youtube
  10. metcheck

Most Popular

  1. facebook
  2. bbc
  3. youtube
  4. hotmail
  5. ebay
  6. google
  7. you
  8. games
  9. mail
  10. news

Fastest-Rising People

  1. kristian digby
  2. justin bieber
  3. nicki minaj
  4. ellie goulding
  5. alexander mcqueen
  6. kesha
  7. miranda kerr
  8. kim kardashian
  9. katy perry
  10. enrique iglesias

Top Searches – Food and Drink

  1. tesco
  2. recipes
  3. asda
  4. pizza
  5. wine
  6. sainsburys
  7. jamie oliver
  8. morrisons
  9. cakes
  10. curry

Posted on:

December 10, 2010



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